HHOA, in partnership with UNICEF has been actively involved in implementing 135 CBE classes in 4 districts of Jawzjan Province of Afghanistan. In order to improve the execution and effectiveness of the CBE and ALC classes, HHOA has begun the process of distributing Teaching and Learning Materials (TLMs) in four districts i-e Faziabad, Aqcha Shiberghan, and Mangajec. The distribution of supplies has been successfully completed on 22nd July of 2023 by the HHOA team.
The distribution of necessary class materials and teaching supplies to a total of 135 classes and (4701) students were accomplished effectively. There were 42 local and accelerated classes with a combined enrolment of roughly 1470 students in the Aqcha region, 32 classes in the Sheberghan districts with a total of 1069 students, 26 classes in the Mangajic districts with a combined enrollment of 910 students, and 35 classes in Faizabad with a combined enrollment of 1225 students. The TLM kits distributed contains school bag, soap, tooth paste, teeth brushes, school Books, lesson plan, teaching progress book, examination books, floormate, hand washing station, water flasks, white board and stationary etc.
Essentially, HHOA program and M&E team have carefully monitored and organized the process of the distribution with the representatives from Directorate of Education, Provincial Education Directorate, Technical Extenders etc. The process has been documented and reported by famous media agencies such as Tolo and National Television.
In a nutshell, People from the local community and beneficiaries expressed their gratitude to UNECEF and HHOA for supporting children’s education and distributing TLM kits in transparent manner.
TLM kits Distribution in four districts of Jawzjan Province